24 February 2007

All Hail, Righi! 43.19 in the 100 Free

Alex Righi ('09, Yale): You are my new best friend.

You don't even know me, but we're officially best buds ... and it's not because you're parents gave you an equally awesome name to mine.


The reason is because you made a smart man out of this fan. I made a bold prediction on a wing and a prayer, and you brought it to fruition. My words are now prophetic. Heck, I may even consider myself smart now.

You see, the other Alex did exactly what this Alex said he was going to do at 1:33 pm today: he was going to smash his own Meet and EISL records, and by virtue of his exploits, would destroy the existing Pool Record. Not only that, but he also beat his competition by a full second in the process.

Yes, that isn't a typo. A full second. Actually 1.11 seconds to be exact. His swim was flawless and now he owns every record in the discipline.

Oh, and while we're at it: go ahead and add Alex Righi to the growing list (2) of Swimmer of the Meet candidates.

Fantastic swim, Alex ...

... Your friend,